Today’s Kindle deals include just a few titles. It has been a slow couple of days. If you’re really hurting for something to read, why not try the May/June issue of Reformed Perspective which is free to read in PDF format.

(Yesterday on the blog: Sometimes It’s Best To Express Your Wisdom in Silence)

One New Notification: Pick up a Good Book!

This is always good counsel. “May I suggest a simple yet soul-transforming idea? Pick up a book. Pick up an old book. Pick up a good book. Handle it, smell it, bend it, dog-ear it. And read it! Immerse yourself in it. Put your smartphone in another room in the house. Set the ringer on high in case you get an important phone call. But put your notification alerts on silent. And spend some time “disconnected” from the chaos that is otherwise filling our hearts and minds these days.”

Transgenderism: J K Rowling And The Transgender Furore – 5 Lessons For Evangelicals Engaging Our Culture

Here’s some more unpacking of the controversy surround J.K. Rowling and what Christians can learn from it. (On a somewhat similar note, see Carl Trueman’s The Road to Bostock and this

To the full-length post originally published on this site.