Truth In Love · TIL 265: Thinking Wisely About Technology (feat. John Lehman)

Dale Johnson: This week on the podcast we have with us John Lehman, who’s a Pastor of Member Care and Missions at Hampton Park Baptist Church in Greenville, South Carolina. He also serves not only his church there in member care, but he serves with ACBC as a member and a Fellow and we’re so grateful for John and his ministry there. He and his wife Suzy have four married children and eight grandchildren. We’re so thankful for John and his ministry there at Hampton Park and the way he serves us as well. This week Taron Defevers, our Communications Coordinator, was able to sit down with John and discuss this often very difficult and dicey issue of technology.

How do we use it? How do we employ it? Is this a good thing? Is it a blessing or a curse? Is it a raging beast or can it be tamed? We have these questions all the time about technology. Is it useful for a good or is it something that only tears down? John’s going to help us to understand this from a biblical perspective

To the full-length post originally published on this site.