Ambitions are tricky. Functioning well, they motivate to action, pursue the worthwhile, steer away from the ignoble, and provide energy to persevere. Yet pride, selfishness, bitterness, and a host of sins, like parasites, sicken once healthy ambitions toward destructiveness. In guarding our hearts, we must also guard our ambitions.

Pastoral calling and ministry training do not inoculate from wrong ambitions. But men who are humbly lashed to God’s Word, with character shaped by the gospel, will pursue right ambitions.

Jesus alone had entirely pure ambitions, evident in his obedience, focus, and selfless love. He obediently sought to do the Father’s will (John 8:28; John 4:34; Ps. 40:8; Heb. 10:7); focused on his Father’s mission, even when the crowds wanted to make him king; and demonstrated selfless love toward his followers, laying down his life as a substitute for sinners (John 15:13).

As pastors, we can learn from this. If we want to reorder out pastoral ambitions, then we must emulate Christ.

What does this look like when it plays out into real-life, pastoral settings? Let’s think about it by considering two wrong and two right ambitions.


1. This church needs me to get them in shape.

To the full-length post originally published on this site.