In times of social upheaval and protests against injustice is “watch your doctrine” the word pastors really need to hear?

I contend that it is. As social upheaval advances throughout the world, pastors will feel pressured to evaluate their teaching by its apparent usefulness according the needs of the hour. We will be tempted to evaluate our doctrine not on the basis of its truthfulness but its utility. We may even judge that the old doctrines are not useful because they no longer seem relevant to the needs of our hearers.

But no crisis can alter God’s truth or God’s commands. His word does not change or fade according to time and circumstance.


Sound doctrine” simply means the teachings of the Bible—the full concourse of truth that God revealed in the Scriptures. Sound doctrine includes not merely the precious realities about God, creation, redemption from sin, and Christ crucified and resurrected, it also includes Scripture’s demands for repentance, personal holiness, and the rules established by Christ for his church.

Sound doctrine is thus fundamental to faithfulness. Orthodoxy and orthopraxy are never at odds. “Keep a close watch on yourself and on the teaching, and persist in them,”

To the full-length post originally published on this site.