Should a church require that a pastor be gifted? Yes. Paul indicates that if a man desires to serve as a pastor, he must be “able to teach” (1 Tim. 3:2; Tit. 1.9). A man is not required to produce theological tomes for the ages or to pack out auditoriums with his great oratorical skills, but he must be able to faithfully and clearly communicate the truth of Scripture so that others are able to understand the Bible and act upon it.

What’s equally noteworthy, however, is the unmistakable emphasis that Paul places on the necessity of a pastor’s godliness. He spends more ink here than he does on giftedness. For Paul, godliness is of utmost importance.

For example, in 1 Timothy 3:1–7, Paul lists approximately sixteen qualifications for a man who desires to serve as an overseer. One relates to giftedness: the ability to teach. Fifteen refer to character.

Likewise, in Titus 1:5–9, Paul lists approximately sixteen qualifications for a pastor. One relates to giftedness: again, the ability to instruct in sound doctrine. Fifteen address character.

Paul is undeniably biased. Giftedness matters. Character matters maybe more.

Consequently, Paul insists that the young pastor, Timothy, prioritize godliness in his life

To the full-length post originally published on this site.