Jeremiah 17 is a hallmark passage for biblical counseling. The reason we often teach this passage is because it highlights what is fundamentally wrong with our hearts: we were made to trust God, but we all choose to trust in our own flesh instead. The text beautifully depicts the outworking of this harmful choice, but also gives a stirring call to repentance. I like to use this passage early in the counseling process to teach counselees about their hearts and set the stage for the rest of our agendaWithout this basic biblical understanding of the heart, it is difficult for counselees to understand how to resolve their presenting problems. Jeremiah 17 can be broken down into the following sections that emphasize different points of application: 

 1) Consider the context and set the stage (vv. 1-4). The passage begins with the Lord’s declaration of Judah’s guilt. You can begin the teaching by asking your counselee to read verses 1-4 and then tell you the sins of Judah that they notice. Judah has embraced other gods and they have not instructed their children in the way of

To the full-length post originally published on this site.