This week the blog is sponsored by Westminster Bookstore and they are introducing a New Web Series and Podcast.

We launched “The Afterword” because we don’t want our ministry to the readers of the Church to end with the delivery of a book. To that end, we hope these digital discussions will foster a culture of reading in our congregations as we engage with books and get to know the authors behind them. Throughout this series, we’ll cover all the pressing topics a book lover–kindergarten through MDiv–could ask for: tips for family worship and sermon prep, using books in counseling and group study, reading with your kids, how to mark up a book, “What makes a book worth reading?”, “Dust-jackets: keep or throw away?”, publishing and writers block, “Should you finish a book cover-to-cover before starting the next one?”, and much more…

For our 3rd episode of The Afterword, we’re pleased to host Mark Vroegop, author of Dark Clouds, Deep Mercy, and the newly released Weep With Me: How Lament Opens the Door for Racial Reconciliation. Now more than ever, these are sensitive topics, but we’re grateful that Mark addresses them head on with biblical wisdom, and pastoral

To the full-length post originally published on this site.