Information is about facts, and knowledge is about fitting related facts together. But wisdom is about using knowledge well. What now afflicts most of the culture, and even the church is that have vast storehouses of information and knowledge, but very little wisdom.

Never before in human history has there been so much knowledge so widely spread among the population. For anyone with an internet connection, access to additional information is essentially limitless. In the church, Christians have never had greater access to information about the Bible and sound theology. Yet at the same time, in both the church and the world, wisdom is in decline. We take great pride in our accumulated knowledge, and our hard drives are packed with data. But in some of the most important areas of life, such as raising children, maintaining healthy relationships, and handling finances responsibly, a great many of us just don’t know what to do.

When it comes to  crucial areas—words, work, wealth, and relationships—people make a lot of short-sighted, self-centered decisions. It’s true that much of the current so-called knowledge pertaining to these areas is actually very bad advice, but while having the right knowledge is vital, it is not

To the full-length post originally published on this site.