I’m often amazed at how much great material people willingly create and then release online for free. Today’s a good example of how different Christians use their gifts and explore their interests to bless people like you and me through their blogs. I’m grateful for each of them.

Serving Our Housebound Members for the Long Term

One unexpected benefit of the lockdowns is they gave us all a glimpse of what it means to be housebound. Hopefully that will help us better server housebound church members in the future. In this article Stephen Kneale explains some of the changes they are making (or, perhaps better said, some of the measures they thought were temporary but which may now become permanent). “Lock down, for these folks, has been (literally) a God-send. They have been included in their church families in ways they haven’t been able for a long time and they have experienced a newfound understanding and empathy from those who previously had no idea (and, often, little concern) for what things were like week by week for them.” (Also read this similar article.)

Our Business is People

“I love books, but I need to remember that they are

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.