We wrestle in our souls to be content.  Our minds race out of control.  The anxiety of the task list alone can control and steal our sense of peace.  It can seem as if we are running in fear and, in reality, no one is chasing.  We long for deeper communion with God, to hear His voice more clearly, but so many things seem to keep us distracted and distant from God.

One of the main goals of the Christian life is to be able to make an accurate self-assessment of our hearts and minds so we can walk in humility.  If we do not have humble hearts we won’t love well nor will we obey and draw close to God.

Humility is the ability to see ourselves for who we really are, “wretched, pitiful, poor, blind, and naked” (Revelation 3:17).  Humility lays the foundation for real contentment, confidence, and accurate self-knowledge.  Pride, in contrast, causes spiritual blindness.

Humility enhances our love for God’s Word, making us eager to obey and seek encouragement from God.  Humility creates a joyful trembling before God.  Pride fosters the opposite posture, where we become self-righteous, despising God’s word.

Since humility ends in trembling at

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.