A Word from Bob: I’ve taken the following “quotes of note” from my book Gospel-Centered Family Counseling: An Equipping Guide for Pastors and Counselors. I pray that these quotes will be a blessing to you and to the families you counsel. Note: You can read Quotes of Note from Gospel-Centered Marriage Counseling here

A Biblical Vision for Family Life

Christ’s love makes our house a home. Christ’s grace makes our home a safe place.

Children need good, godly parenting more than they need good, godly counseling.

God’s “parenting manual” has one commandment: Parent, be Christlike by being God-dependent.

To become a more powerful parent, we must become a more godly person—a person dedicated to dependence on God.

When we see that our demanding heart is the core problem in our home, then we become desperate for Christ’s grace. Then we begin to look at our family member with grace eyes. And we begin to realize that there is no family problem so deep that the grace of Christ isn’t deeper. 

Family members must become each other’s biblical en-couragers—putting Christ’s courage into their dis-couraged hearts and dis-couraged families.

Nothing is more wonderful than watching Christ’s amazing grace melt the hurting and

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.