Truth In Love · TIL 267: The Shifting Definition Of Biblical Counseling (feat. Stuart Scott)

Dale Johnson: This week on the podcast we have with us Dr. Stuart Scott. Stuart is a professor at the Master’s University, he is also on staff here with us at ACBC as our Director of Membership Services. I’ll just tell you that the last several years that I’ve gotten to know Stuart on a more personal level, outside of his writings, and I have been so blessed. It’s been like that cool uncle that you get to hang out with, ask questions, and hear stories about the biblical counseling movement. As a matter of fact, we were at my house last night and he was telling us a little bit about how the Lord brought him into the biblical counseling movement many years ago. What a fun time that was to sit down and listen, and really from some of that conversation Stuart, we begin thinking about what’s going on in the movement today.

With your historical perspective, you’re seeing shifts and changes. That’s not just in people who are influential, but also in the explanations of biblical counseling, and

To the full-length post originally published on this site.