Church as we know it has changed drastically over the last several months. The normalcy of church has gone from physically gathering in a house of worship to listening and watching online services in a living room.

Churches have also recently seen more and more people dealing with marriages under stress, increasing addictions, growing anxiety, and loneliness. Many have experienced job loss and financial distress; students are uncertain whether classes will be at home or in school buildings; graduates are wondering when they’ll be able to find a job. How can churches help in times like these?

Now more than ever, the ability for churches to care for the individual, not just the masses, has become critical in the fulfillment of the Great Commission. In this season where many cannot leave their home or participate in group gatherings, we must learn to more fully and effectively care for those around us.

The Power of Simple Conversation

We often like to think of Jesus roaming a peaceful countryside, performing miracles, and praying with His disciples in tranquility. However, Jesus’ earthly ministry took place during a season of political oppression, racial unrest, the spreading of contagious disease, and corrupt church leaders. Knowing

To the full-length post originally published on this site.