At Westminster Books you can get serious discounts on 12 great sets from Banner of Truth.

The Kingdom Only Triumphs Through The Unnoticed Faithfulness Of The Many

We need reminders like this one. “Most of the acts that lead to the spread of the gospel, that will result in the gathering of a great multitude from every tribe and nation in eternity, will be unnoticed and unremarked in this life. However, they will not be hidden forever.”

Woke America Is a Russian Novel

This is a fascinating column which says that “the metaphysical gap between mid-19th-century Russia and early-21st-century America is narrowing.”

Our Marcusan Moment

On a somewhat similar note, here’s Carl Trueman: “Today’s attacks on freedom of speech are remarkable for several reasons: they seem to represent more of a problem on the left than on the right; the cancellations apply not simply to the ideas to which the emerging cultural establishment objects but to any individual who dares to espouse them; and their power and scope is potentially terrifying.”

The End of Illusions

And sticking with the general theme, Marvin Olasky reflects on what is becoming increasingly obvious about the mainstream media. “On Friday we’ll see

To the full-length post originally published on this site.