I know I had said I hoped to have my White Fragility review finalized by today, but sadly I’m going to have to bounce it to next week (for which you have my apologies). Life has become very topsy-turvy for reasons that will become obvious next week.

Those who keep an eye on Kindle deals will find just a couple today. We’ll hope for better tomorrow as we kick off a new month.

Calvin and That Awfully Divisive Person in Your Church

Ian Clary: “In Reformed circles, we pride theological orthodoxy and are quick to blow Knox’s proverbial trumpet at the slightest theological (or political!) provocation. Heresy is, rightly, seen as disastrous for the soul, but we forget that in the early church schism was as bad as heresy. To be a schismatic was akin to being an Arian.”

The Uncertain Future of Post-Pandemic Starbucks

Starbucks has had its ups and downs over the years, but the pandemic represents what is probably its biggest challenge. You don’t have to appreciate the company or its product to be interested in this analysis.

Rosaria Butterfield on Hospitality in COVID-19

In this episode of the MinistryNetwork Podcast (available in video and audio formats), Rosaria Butterfield

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.