Our family was an early adopter of Amazon’s Echo. These smart devices are mind-blowing in all the things you can get them to do! If you want to play music you just say, “Alexa, play music from my library.” If you want information, you can say “Alexa, what is the weather like outside today?” If you have some smart bulbs or plugs you can say, “Alexa, turn on the living room lights.” You can even ask it, “What is the airspeed of an unladen swallow?” and get the right answer! Privacy controversy aside, the list of things you can tell it to do keeps getting more and more extensive.

I didn’t realize how accustomed my family had become to utilizing Alexa until recently when one of my sons got ready to pray before bed and began his prayer with, “Dear Alexa…. oops! I mean, Dear God…” We then laughed as he was very self-conscious about the fact that had just confused God with Alexa.

Very Far Off?

The more I reflected upon him starting his prayer with “Dear Alexa” instead of “Dear God,” the more I didn’t think my son was totally off base in the way we sometimes pray.

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.