Today marks my 22nd wedding anniversary, though Aileen and I are 550 miles apart! In fact, this is the first of our anniversaries we’ve ever spent away from one another (since I’m still quarantining with my kids in Kentucky)! One week to go…

There’s a pretty good list of Kindle deals today, especially as Saturdays go.

(Yesterday on the blog: Sometimes “Love Your Enemy” Means “Love Your Spouse”)

Culture Check: The Welcome

This is a good reflection on gospel doctrine and gospel culture. “Our church culture should match our church doctrine. The latter shapes and informs the former. Since our primary doctrine is the Gospel, then our culture should align. Do we have a gospel culture?”

The Little ‘C’ Catholic Church Explained

“A multisite megachurch in the suburbs of a medium-sized city decided they wanted to reach the students of the city’s downtown university. What a great idea! To this end, they decided to plant a ‘campus’ of their church two blocks away from the university’s campus. Incidentally, that put them literally next door to my friend Greg’s church. Greg is an excellent preacher. His church has been growing steadily—some might say quickly—through his tenure. It’s even Southern

To the full-length post originally published on this site.