It’s the kind of memory that will scar a child. I had been recruited by some family friends to put in a day’s work on their property and along the way had worked up quite an appetite. Late in the day, with my stomach growling, they told me they would be making their world-famous pizza for dinner. That sounded like just the thing. But when they finally brought out this “pizza” I quickly observed that it had no crust, no meat, and no cheese. And while I’m no connoisseur of Italian cuisine, I’m quite sure I had legitimate grounds to question whether this was actually pizza at all. Why? Because it was missing the very elements that make pizza pizza!

I had a similar feeling a few years ago when I visited a church that many people consider one of the most important and influential in the world. It is one of those churches that serves as a textbook example of how to create an experience that is compelling and attractive. And I quickly observed that it was missing many of the elements that make worship worship. The entire service went by without a single prayer, without any

To the full-length post originally published on this site.