Truth In Love · TIL 271: Cultivating a Spiritually Grounded Marriage (feat. Sean Perron and Spencer Harmon)

Dale Johnson: This week on the podcast Sean Perron and Spencer Harmon are back with us again to talk about this very important topic of cultivating a spiritual marriage. This is the topic of a book that they’ve written called Letters to a Romantic: The First Years of Marriage. This has been an interesting topic for them to write on as they’re describing some of their experiences—working through the process of dating, working through the process of engagement, and now through their own first years of marriage. They describe what the Lord has taught them and what has been helpful as they try to root their marriage in the Scriptures and build it spiritually strong from the early years.

Sean is now the Associate Pastor at First Baptist Church in Jacksonville, Florida where he serves and lives with his wife Jenny Perron, and they have a son named Chandler, who is their great delight. It’s fun to watch Sean interact as a father. Spencer Harmon also is serving down at First Baptist Church in Jacksonville. He’s the campus pastor at

To the full-length post originally published on this site.