My kids and I have now spent two weeks in isolation in Kentucky and today is move-in day for Boyce College and Southern Seminary. If all goes well I’ll drop them there today and head home for my next two-week quarantine tomorrow!

I dug up just one single solitary Kindle deals today.

If you’re just now catching up on the works of J.I. Packer, you can get some good deals at Westminster Books. (You might also be interested in RHB’s Summer Sale.)

What Exactly is Legalism? It’s More Complicated Than You Think

Michael Kruger explains three different facets of legalism.

Homeschool Surge

It’s a fascinating component of this pandemic that it has provided a surge of new interest in homeschooling, as WORLD reports at some length here. “With fall questions looming for school districts across the United States, more parents choose to educate their kids themselves.”

Are Daniel And Ezra Models Of Corporate Repentance For Historic Sins?

Quite a lot has been made of a couple of biblical prayers of corporate repentance. This article takes a look at them to ask if and how they serve as a model. “I’ve encountered a repeated argument that white people have

To the full-length post originally published on this site.