After reading Pursuing Peace: A Christian Guide to Handling Our Conflicts by Robert Jones, three words come to mind: biblical, practical, and hopeful. Biblical counselors routinely deal with conflict situations. This is, unfortunately, part of living in the sin-cursed world. Myriads of concepts exist in this world about responsibility and resolution in such instances. Dr. Jones helps to wipe away the haze of our own sin and the conflicting theories of the world that distort our vision to present a biblical and practical guide to seeking peace in any relationship. It will certainly be useful to many.

First, Pursuing Peace is solidly biblical. Dr. Jones opens with the thorough applicability of Scripture: “In short, the Scriptures breathe conflict out of every pore” (p. 18; cf. 2 Peter 1:3). He then correctly demonstrates that, “the proper starting place to think biblically about pursuing peace is God” (p. 19). He points out that no true and lasting peace can exist between parties unless they first have peace with God (Romans 5:1-2). Dr. Jones skillfully exegetes passage after passage and examines biblical character after character in order to help the reader see how Scripture calls us to peace and equips us to pursue

To the full-length post originally published on this site.