Dear Sister,

Many hurting wives are not sure if what is happening to them is abuse. Are you one of them? Do you wonder if what you are enduring is bad enough to qualify for that label? Maybe you suspect something might be “off,” but you wonder: “Is it me? Is it my fault? Maybe if I was a better wife, or more submissive to my husband, he would not be so angry at me all the time. Maybe he has no choice but to reprimand me?” And yet, you recoil when you think about how cruelly you have been treated and desperately want to ask someone, “Is this normal?”

I have spoken to many women like you. They feel confused and isolated. They have so many questions and do not know where to turn. My heart is heavy each time I hear women wrestle with these uncertainties. They are often crushed by what they are enduring but full of fear and guilt. It is almost paralyzing. But something significant happens when a woman in this situation begins speaking. Even just by asking questions, she is inviting another into her suffering. A fight starts for truth and grace to rule

To the full-length post originally published on this site.