Today’s Kindle deals include a great Westminster Seminary Press edition of Machen’s classic Christianity & Liberalism that has all kinds of new essays and other content.

Cancelling the Weapons of “Cancel Culture”

We need to be careful that we don’t wield the world’s weapons. “It is obvious to all that 2020 has proven to be quite the revealing year for professing Christians. The way in which we deal with one another over our differences on conclusions about racial matters, masks, or governmental authority shows what is in our hearts. If you take to social media to publicly deride other believers (think John MacArthur) for taking a different stance than that you would have taken if you pastored a megachurch in California, you are fighting with the weapons of culture.”

Recovering the Lost Art of Edification

Jared Wilson: “I’ve watched over the last few months as church members run off pastors from churches, pastors run over people on social media, and Christians of all kinds have determined that people not their kind are responsible for everything wrong in the world. The world is on fire, and in some ways more dangerous than literal. Why are we doing this? A few reasons,

To the full-length post originally published on this site.