Truth In Love · TIL 277: Lessons Learned From Counseling The Sexually Abused (feat. Shelbi Cullen)

Dale Johnson: Today on the podcast, I am delighted that we have Dr. Shelbi Cullen with us. Shelbi received her doctoral degree in Educational Ministries with an emphasis in Biblical Counseling from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky. She serves as an Assistant Professor of Women’s Ministries and Biblical Studies at the Master’s University in Southern California. She’s married to Sean and has been for 35 years. They have four adult children. One very important piece of the puzzle is their first grandchild was recently born.

I’m so excited that Shelbi’s with us. She’s also the host of a new podcast called Women’s Hope. She co-hosts that with Kimberly Cummings, another one of our ACBC certified members. For you ladies, they deal with a lot of very helpful issues that are very pertinent to you all. I want to recommend it to you as well.

Shelbi, I’m so glad that you’re here to talk about this subject today. So many questions arise in how we think about counseling those who have been sexually abused. Now, before we get started today,

To the full-length post originally published on this site.