Jay Y. Kim, Analog Church: Why We Need Real People, Places, and Things in the Digital Age. Intervarsity Press, 2020. 216 pages.

Stephen has come to church six times in six years. Surprisingly, he showed up again last week, even though COVID has forced our church into outdoor meetings under a 90-degree sun. Even with online options, Stephen showed up to stand six feet apart from others and to introduce me to his girlfriend. With a sober but deeply thankful smile he said, “This is Pastor Benjamin; he came to our house the day after Mom died.”

That event was five years ago, but he remembers that I came; I suspect he always will.

At significant moments—either those of great joy or great sorrow—we need real people in real places to hold real hands and wipe real tears and give real hugs. As churches across the country wrestle with the best ways to foster fellowship when our gatherings are inhibited, Jay Kim’s book Analog Church shows us the importance of gathering to the Christian life.


Analog Church has three parts: worship, community, and Scripture. In each section, Kim explores both the advantages and limitations of technology.

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.