A Word from Bob: In this “mini-series,” we’re asking: “How do we become equipped for individual biblical counseling?” There’s equipping for marriage counseling and for family counseling, but this series is about becoming competent to counsel another individual. You can read Part 1 here: What to Do After the Hug. I’m developing these posts from my book on equipping in individual counseling: Gospel-Conversations: How to Care Like Christ. 

4 Compass Points 

Anyone who has read anything I’ve ever written about biblical counseling is familiar with the 4 biblical compass points that I’ve developed from God’s Word and from church history. They are:

Biblical Counseling for Suffering

Compass Point # 1: Sustaining Empathy—“It’s Normal to Hurt” Compass Point # 2: Healing Encouragement—“It’s Possible to Hope”

Biblical Counseling for Sin

Compass Point #3: Reconciling Exposure—“It’s Horrible to Sin, But Wonderful to Be Forgiven” Compass Point #4: Guiding Empowerment—“It’s Supernatural to Mature” 

In one blog post, here’s the essence of biblical counseling with individuals using the 4 biblical compass points of sustaining, healing, reconciling, and guiding.

Compass Point # 1: Biblical Sustaining

Competent biblical counselors grow in the art of biblical sustaining.

We’re able

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.