Today is an amazing day for Kindle book collectors as there’s a large collection of excellent resources on theology and Christian living. You can find them on the Kindle deals page.

Logos users will want to check out this long list of commentaries on sale.

(Yesterday on the blog: A Side Of Perfect Beauty in Every Providence)

The Blessing of (Good) Authority

Jonathan Leeman makes an insightful points here: “Really, people don’t hate authority, because we all love the freedom to decide things and to create. We just don’t like other people’s authority because we like deciding and creating things for ourselves.”

If You Don’t Evangelize at Home, You Won’t Overseas?

“In this post I hope to offer a qualification to a good general principle. I have often heard it said that if you don’t share the gospel in your home culture, you won’t share it in a foreign culture either. There is no sanctification by aviation, it is said. I largely agree with this sentiment. Whether you live on mission at home is a very good indication of whether you will live on mission overseas or not.” But maybe it’s not quite so simple…

Do Smartphones Make Us

To the full-length post originally published on this site.