If you live in the United States like me, you know we live in divided times—not just in our nation, but also, sadly, in the church. Christians publicly spar in the public square, perhaps particularly over the upcoming presidential election. A seemingly unbreachable chasm stands between the “Never Trumpers” camp and the “You aren’t really saved unless you vote for Trump” camp.

This impasse raises a question, Who can you vote for? And that question leads to another question: Should a pastor step into the melee by endorsing a presidential candidate?[1]

Before you endorse a candidate, here are three questions you should consider. And though I’m primarily addressing pastors in the United States, the principles below apply anywhere.

1. Is it within a pastor’s job description to endorse a political candidate?

Well, kinda yes and kinda no. Pastors have a broad range of responsibilities. But they don’t need to be well-versed in American politics in order to faithfully fulfill their calling. Christ charges pastors to shepherd a local church.

More specifically, a pastor should preach the Word so that he equips the saints for the work of the ministry. He must lead the church to stay on mission to save sinners from the

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.