I quite often have people get in touch to ask me for tips on blogging. (No, blogs aren’t dead and yes, there is still a place for blogs in 2020. To that end, the forthcoming book Blogging for God’s Glory in a Clickbait World is worthy of a pre-order.) Earlier this year I offered some tips on starting out in blogging and today want to follow up with a few random tips for Christian bloggers. Most of these tips are quite granular and address ways I see bloggers potentially but inadvertently undermining their own success.

Don’t label book reviews as book reviews. As any blogger knows, headlines are extremely important for catching the attention of potential readers. In most cases, a headline that beings with “Book Review:” is not going to make much of an impact. Consider, for example, two options for Tara Isabella Burton’s look at the rise of the “Nones” and how they are creating and adopting new forms of spirituality. The first might be “Book Review: Strange Rites” and the second, using the book’s subtitle, “New Religions for a Godless World.” I rather suspect the second option will prove far more effective. An exception

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.