If you’re interested in the new Unfolding Grace ESV and/or the accompanying devotional, they’re on sale this week at Westminster Books.

There’s a good little list of Kindle deals to look at today.

The World’s Easiest Theological Question

“For those who love to talk about theology, a good head-scratching question can really be fun. It allows us to stay up late in deep conversations with our friends over the mysteries of God and his Word.” But some theological questions are not head-scratchers…

4 Questions about the Trinity

Scott Swain answers a few important questions about the Trinity.

Redeem TV: A Better, Safer Streaming Service

If you have seen the news recently, you know that Netflix and many other entertainment platforms have proven they are not safe for family viewing. With faith-filled, family-friendly, curated content, Redeem TV provides light in a dark world. “Streaming Goodness” represents Redeem TV’s mission and devotion to provide trustworthy content for your family and those all around the world. (Sponsored Link)

The Blessing Of Good Elders

Here are some reasons why good elders are a blessing to the church.

Singing to the Risen Son

Here’s an extended look at the history of Christian

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.