Christians easily lose sight of the glorious inheritance that awaits them. A good deal of sin in the church is the result of 1) Christians being too comfortable in this world, or 2) Christians failing to grasp the eternal hope that enables them to push on in obedience. The letter of 1 Peter addresses these issues more directly and succinctly than any other book of the Bible. This letter reminds us that we are pilgrims in this world, and it spurs us on to a life of godliness in this world with the coming world in mind.

If you have never preached through 1 Peter, I would strongly encourage you to do so soon. It might save you a lot of time in counseling sessions, and it will bring hope and joy to your congregation.

In this article I’ll provide four reasons your church would benefit from an expositional series through 1 Peter. But before we get to those reasons, let me give you a one-sentence summary of the main idea of the letter:

First Peter reminds Christians that they are elect exiles in this world and, in their pilgrimage, calls them to focus on three key relationships: 1) with

To the full-length post originally published on this site.