We’ve heard it again and again… these are unprecedented times. The COVID-19 pandemic has turned the world as we know it upside down. The way we once lived, worked, and played can no longer be considered the normal way of doing things. At least for the time being, we live in a changed world and what we are experiencing seems to be a “new normal.”

Ministries have been severely impacted by this pandemic. Charity Navigator, an organization that evaluates charitable organizations in the United States, reports from an April 2020 survey that 83 percent of its respondents experienced a substantial decrease in giving to their programs. Sadly, most expect further declines in the upcoming coming months. Sixty-four percent of the respondents reported that to make up for the decrease in funding they had to cut back on the programs offered to their constituents.1 This survey was taken just one month after the pandemic began. Things became much worse than expected for the nonprofit sector. A recent article in The Washington Post claims that one-third of nonprofit organizations may not survive the fallout from the pandemic.2

I have been raising money for worthwhile organizations for over twenty years. Currently I serve

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.