Christians have always had to contend with false teaching and competing faiths. But what surely makes the current age unique is the sheer number and sheer diversity we may encounter in any given place. From my context in ultra-multicultural Toronto, it is not unusual to find myself in a setting where there are adherents of 5 or 10 different religions. I can take a short drive and spot places of worship that represent every type of divergence from the Christian faith. And while it’s true that the gospel counters every departure from orthodoxy, it’s equally true that a bit of knowledge of the different religions, different cults, and different heresies can be helpful in knowing precisely which truths are most fitting. It would be helpful to have a guide that concisely lays out the tenets of different religions and suggests the Christian truths that might be most helpful for their adherents to hear.

This is exactly the purpose of A Field Guide on False Teaching from Ligonier Ministries. This is not a book that we’re meant to hand to a skeptic or to a friend who holds to a different faith. Rather, it’s a book we are

To the full-length post originally published on this site.