“Scoffers set a city aflame.” (Prov. 29:8)

Honor everyone. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the emperor.” (1 Peter 2:17)

It’s election day. The results are not yet in. Yet no matter what happens, what shall we say to our church on Sunday? A number of people have been asking lately.

There’s the usual stuff I will say: comfort those whose candidate lost with the certainty of Christ’s victory. Caution those whose candidate won from putting too much hope in the outcome of any election, and remind them to show compassion to those struggling with fear over their loss.

Yet here’s my advice no matter who wins or loses, no matter whether the results are contested: don’t demonize anyone, but show honor to everyone.

It’s no surprise to hear folk demonize one another in the public square. This is what people do in the thrust and parry of political battle: characterize the other side not just as wrong but as wicked.

Yet too often we Christians do the same. We don’t give people the benefit of the doubt. We don’t try to understand their perspective. Instead we demonize. We caricature. We put them in the worst possible light. We treat people as

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.