By now, we may know who the next President of the United States will be. Or not. Either way, this is a good opportunity to take stock of our hearts in the midst of the most contentious, polarized, and troubling election in recent history. And this is on top of a raging pandemic. How have you responded during this election cycle? If I’m honest, it has not always brought out the best in me, and I know I’m not alone.

Ask yourself, “Lord, in what ways have I not been the aroma of Christ to my family, friends, and neighbors? How have I contributed to an ‘us versus them’ mentality? How have I sown disunity, despair, and despondency? How have I not trusted your work and your ways as the sovereign King of the universe?” Perhaps you’ll notice things like this:

Anger—“Those people have got it all wrong. They are destroying our way of life and they have to be stopped at all costs.” Fear/Dread—“Oh no. The wrong person has been elected. We’re doomed.” Self-righteousness—“How could any true Christian think that? We know the right way and clearly, God is on our” Cynicism/Hopelessness—“What does it ultimately matter? No one

To the full-length post originally published on this site.