Each of us is given a race to run. Some are called to run a long race. Some are called to run a short race. What matters is not how long our race is, but how well we run it. It’s God’s business to determine how long we run; it’s our business to determine how well we run. It is so much better to run a short race well than a long race poorly.

God called my son Nick to run only a short race. Some get 80 years. Some get 90. Nick got only 20. But he ran his short race well. J.I. Packer, a man whose race was very long, once said this: “My contention is that we should aim to be found running the last lap of the race of our Christian life, as we would say, flat out. The final sprint, so I urge, should be a sprint indeed.” That was my boy. He sprinted strong to the finish line.

There was so much about Nick that made me proud. But nothing more than this: he finished well. As he finished his race he was doing what he loved with the people he

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.