Today was to be a day of great rejoicing. On August 14 I dropped my son and daughter at their college in Louisville, Kentucky, knowing that with all the border restrictions and quarantine requirements it was unlikely I would see them again before the close of the semester. We booked their return flights for today, Friday, November 13. This was to be the day of our reunion. And, to add joy upon joy, my son’s new fiancée was going to join them! Though their return would require a two-week quarantine for the whole group of us—six people in our wee little house—we were looking forward to it. We had activities planned. We had talked about enjoying some board games, about holding a Mario Kart tournament, and even about reading a Shakespeare play together. It would be quarantine with purpose, a unique opportunity to enjoy time as a family that was about to grow from 5 members to 6.

We are in quarantine now, but under very different circumstances. Our family has shrunk from 5 to 4. My daughter returned home last weekend. The woman who was to be my sweet new daughter-in-law lost her ability to enter

To the full-length post originally published on this site.