Healthier relationships require us to embrace new approaches toward our relationships.  In Part 1 of this post, we explained two transforming (and necessary) choices: admitting “my” mistakes and having the courage to address hard conversations.

Today’s post looks at two more choices that greatly impact your relationships.

Choose Grace to Represent God’s Heart Well 

“He doesn’t deserve grace” – those words echoed through my office without recognizing the irony of such a statement.  While not stating explicitly that grace must be earned, it couldn’t be taken any other way.  Certainly, grace can be a difficult proposal, especially to those who have seemingly been harmed by people who insist that grace simply allows serious offenses to be covered up or swept under the rug.  However, grace is the choice to take in the best interest of another party.

In my graduate school class on marriage counseling, we were given an assignment to interview married couples about their struggles and successes in marriage.  I chose a couple from my church who had just celebrated their 70th wedding anniversary.  I asked them about the key to a long and happy marriage, “He treats me like a princess” she retorted with a confident

To the full-length post originally published on this site.