Crossway is holding a pretty good sale on ESVs for Crossway+ members. (Crossway+ is a free subscription.)

There are a few interesting books discounted as part of today’s Kindle deals. You may also want to check out their new batch of general market deals which include, for example, McCulloughs’s incredible biography of Truman.

(Yesterday on the blog: A Family Update Four Weeks After Our Worst Day)

Where Are the Other Fake Fragments of the Dead Sea Scrolls?

What an interesting look at fake fragments of the Dead Sea Scrolls. As CT report, “sixteen forgeries have been discovered so far in the collections of unsuspecting evangelicals. Experts have suspicions about many more.”

Envy in the Digital Age

Envy is such an ugly sin, and this digital age gives us new ways to express it. “Envy is often misunderstood. I suspect many of us today are apt to confuse it somewhat with Greed. Both, it seems, boil down to wanting more stuff, so that Envy would seem to designate merely the sub-set of cases in which someone else already has the stuff that you want (and perhaps their having it is what prompts your wanting it). But the presence of the other in

To the full-length post originally published on this site.