Editors Note: This article is written by BCC Founders and Counselors, Dr. Ron and Sherry Allchin as part of our series on Relational Health.  In this series, our counselors are sharing biblical principles to strengthen and improve all kinds of relationships.

“How do you keep your love for one another alive and beautiful for fifty years?” Because we just celebrated our 50th Anniversary this past May, we are asked this question often! We have never regretted our decision to marry, have never been separated, and I can’t think of even one time in 50 years that one of us threw the “D” word at the other!

Our wedding verse was Psalm 34:3, “O magnify the LORD with me, and let us exalt his name together,” and together has been a theme of our marriage from that time forward. We have lived life together in the fullest sense!


What we read and learned in premarital counseling sessions gave us a good foundation in so many areas of life. We both came from homes with alcoholic fathers and we both lacked the basic skills needed for a solid marriage. What we learned was that God’s Word had the answers, even if

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.