We asked pastors around the world a simple question: what books did you read in 2020 that helped you be a better pastor? We’ve curated their responses below. (See our 2019 list here, 2018 here, and 2017 here.)


The Gospel According to Satan: Eight Lies about God that Sound like Truth, by Jared C. Wilson

“Wilson’s book is a telling account of the anti-gospel ideas that many believers sadly struggle with in the Christian life. The Gospel According to Satan dismantles ideas like, ‘God just wants you to be happy’ and ‘Your feelings are your reality,’ to name a few. This book has proven helpful in counseling and discipling folks who have unwittingly imbibed anti-gospel ideas.” — Dave Leandre, Lead Teaching Pastor of Living Water Church in Vancouver, WA




Pastors and Their Critics: A Guide to Coping with Criticism in the Ministry, by Joel Beeke and Nick Thompson

“This book is really helpful. First, by exploring Old Testament examples and the life of Christ in the Gospels, Pastors and Their Critics unpack the biblical foundations for coping with the criticism that is part and parcel to leadership. Second, it builds upon these foundations by giving

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.