At our final evening prayer service before we left Shanghai to repatriate to the States, our church members took the time to tell us how thankful they were for themselves.

Sounds a bit pretentious, doesn’t it?

OK, so that’s not exactly how it went down. But, in a sense, it’s true. I’ll explain.


After a difficult 2019, we prayerfully decided in May 2020 to transition from the church where I had served as the senior pastor for the past six years. This congregation is incredibly sweet, generous, and encouraging; I’ve been so thankful to the Lord for the opportunity to serve them. I can’t imagine a better scenario or a sweeter season for my first pastorate.

As we were on our way out, our congregation really went over the top to encourage us, bless us, and serve us. In the aforementioned prayer meeting, another elder opened up a portion of the time for church members to share thoughts of thankfulness for me and my wife Kim. And then the church parlayed those categories of praise into a time of prayer for us and for the whole church.

It all felt a little like one

To the full-length post originally published on this site.