When Jesus prayed to the Father he said, “Your will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.” Charles Spurgeon once reflected on these words as they pertained specifically to the Christian’s responsibility toward missions and evangelism. His thoughts are worth pondering today.

“Your will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.” Note the words “be done,” for they touch a vital point of the text. God’s will is done in heaven. How very practical! On earth his will is often forgotten, and his rule ignored. In the church of the present age there is a desire to be doing something for God, but few enquire what he wants them to do. Many things are done for the evangelizing of the people which were never commanded by the great Head of the Church, and cannot be approved of by him. Can we expect that he will accept or bless what he has never commanded? Will-worship is as sin in his sight. We are to do his will in the first place, and then to expect a blessing upon the doing of that will.

My brethren, I am afraid that Christ’s will on earth is

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.