One aspect of guarding your heart is having an awareness of what’s going on inside. Often, we can see what’s coming at us, but we fail to see how we are processing life internally and dishing it back out. Self-awareness in our culture is called emotional intelligence or EQ. It’s the ability to know yourself and how you relate to others. It’s an awareness of how you come across. Do you realize how you come across? Ask someone close to you, “How do others view me?” (Husbands, I dare you to ask your wife.) Some people are said to have low EQ, like the father who criticizes his kids for being on electronics way too much while he can’t even go to the bathroom without his phone. Or, it’s the nitpicky and gossipy coworker who fails to see his own incompetence and laziness. You and I both have certain blind spots that we are unaware of or that we simply ignore. It’s this lack of self-awareness that will hinder you from escaping the trivial life and moving toward the weighty life.

My hope and prayer is that The Trivial Life will give you some insight into your ongoing heart struggles

To the full-length post originally published on this site.