I’ll give Logos users another reminder that the 12 Days of Logos promotion is wrapping up soon and offers some really good deals ranging from $1.99 and up. Also, and separately, is a deal on some solid Baker resources like the BECNT series.

Today’s Kindle deals include a nice little list of books that is worth at least a quick look.

Sharp Eyes, Soft Hearts, and Sanctified Minds

David Steele provides some useful criteria for evaluating Christian books.

The Story Behind Handel’s Messiah

You may enjoy reading this brief account of the composing of Messiah. “When his operas and his health began to fail, Handel sank into bankruptcy and despair, believing his career was over. In 1741, he was invited to Ireland to direct one of his works at a charity performance. Handel decided to write a new oratorio.”

For the Joy before Him, Christ Came

Dane Ortlund: “Thomas Goodwin wrote that Christ’s ‘own joy, comfort, happiness, and glory are increased and enlarged by . . .’ Now how would you finish that sentence?”

How Christmas Trees Are Made

How do all those Christmas trees come to be? This brief article from Vox explains.

Does Joy Come

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.