“I can’t claim to be inside God’s head, to know His reasons for everything that goes on. Yes, Scripture says I’m to have the mind of Christ (Philippians 2:5). But that doesn’t mean He answers all my questions.” So writes Sue Nicewander Delaney in her new mini-book.

Even the big ones. When my husband Jim suffered and died, I had a million questions, and they all pretty much went unanswered. No matter how hard I cried, or how sincerely I asked, and even when I withdrew for a while, He refused to give me divine reasons for my suffering. If you recall, He pushed off Job, too. Pretty decisively (see Job 38-42). Circumstantial needs aside, my theological questions – the ones that most seriously troubled my soul – fell into two themes which I discuss in Help! My Spouse Died:

Beyond the many hard adjustments of my journey, two major questions were at the root of my spiritual struggle. The spiritual foundations of emotional suffering usually boil down to one or two categories of questions:

Does God love me? I believe that Scripture is true. Passages like Romans 8:38–39 clearly say that God loves me, so better wording for

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.