The God of love and peace be with you as you serve and worship him throughout this weekend.

My gratitude goes to NEU for sponsoring the blog this week with news of their exciting upcoming conference.

There are a number of Kindle deals today with the highlight being Susie, an excellent biography of Susannah Spurgeon.

(Yesterday on the blog: 12 Questions Christians Should Ask About Social Justice)

Your Work Matters More Than You Think

Colin Smith says “God puts his people in some surprising places. The testimony of Obadiah can encourage Christians who have been called to serve God in dark places for His purposes.”

A Blog about Blogging

Those who blog, or are thinking about it, will benefit from Blake Long’s thoughts on the matter. “If you have an aspiration to be a writer, then you should absolutely start a blog. It’s the best avenue to get your feet wet. Don’t worry too much about how your website looks at first, rather, focus on your content. In this post, I want to talk about three different aspects of blogging: writing, platform, and motivation.”

Why Isn’t Jesus’ Name Mentioned in the Old Testament?

It probably isn’t the

To the full-length post originally published on this site.