I enjoyed my recent Podcast interview with the team at the Association of Biblical Counselors on the topic of anxiety.

You can listen to the Podcast here. If you’d like to easily forward the link to others, you can use this shortened link: http://bit.ly/2021AnxietyCare

The podcast focused on my booklet, Anxiety: Anatomy and Cure.

Interactive Discussion About Victory IN Anxiety 

Here are the questions and topics we interacted about.

“In the booklet, you highlight the idea of victory in anxiety and not just victory over anxiety. What’s the difference and why is it so important?”  “You note in the booklet that it is ‘the remedy to take two verses and call me in the morning.’ Tell us more about that.” “When you talk about a ‘theology of anxiety,’ some might think, ‘I’m struggling with anxiety and you’re talking about theology!’ How do you respond to that question?” “In the booklet, you write that before the Fall, there was some healthy emotion that somehow is akin to anxiety?” “So, if God created us to scan our world and be vigilant, how did ‘vigilance’ go bad and turn into troubling anxiety?” “What difference does the cross make in addressing anxiety?”      “Bob,

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.