Judging by the title of the book, one can gather that the subject of When Disability Hits Home probably has something to do with how to process the occurrence of disability either in our own life or in the life of a loved one. Judging by the authorship of this book, it is certain to be more than a simple, theoretical exploration of the subject. Disability has touched the lives of both Paul and Joni. Paul has multiple children who have disabilities, and Joni has experienced her own disabilities firsthand. The truths of Scripture they present are ones they themselves have had to cling to in the face of perplexing questions and humbling challenges that result from the implications of disabilities.
The subtitle of the book underscores its thesis, namely that we must think about disability within the broader context of God’s purpose for it, which is to magnify His grace in our weakness and suffering. Tautges begins to lay the groundwork for this concept in the first four chapters of the book. He answers four perplexing questions that are likely to arise in the hearts of those whose lives are touched by disability. Building on this foundation, the fifth
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