Sinclair Ferguson. Devoted to God’s Church: Core Values for Christian Fellowship. Banner of Truth, 2020. 187 pages.


My general posture toward anything Sinclair Ferguson writes is simple: “read it.” This impulse comes from the personal profit I have gained from Ferguson’s ministry. It also comes from how easily his pastoral wisdom transfers into my own ministry context. Ferguson is among a select group of pastor-theologians whose books repeatedly serve to equip and edify the church. While capable of mixing it up with the best scholars, Ferguson has never forgotten the role of the ordinary pastor and maintains a heart for people in the pew.


A follow-up to his previous book, Devoted to God (an expositional treatise on sanctification), Devoted to God’s Church explores another often-neglected but biblically-central source of Christian sanctification: the church.

Regrettably, Christians often isolate growth in grace from engagement with the local church. I’m sure even in my own preaching and teaching I’ve at times given off a “me and Jesus” vibe to the Christian life. Partly due to inadequate exegesis and partly due to being an American, individualistic Christian, I find it frighteningly easy to divorce my growth as

To the full-length post originally published on this site.